Vaportec is involved nationally and internationally in supplying the industry with the best and most effective solutions and treatment programs to combat the effects of corrosion.

The storage and distribution of metal products and components have a corrosion factor which could jeopardise your mission, and wipe out your profits !

INDUSTRIES - to benefit by utilizing time and cost-effective preservation methods!

fa fa-diamond


- Preservation & dressing of standby hoist ropes and winders.

- VCI corrosion protection of underground lagged chilled water lines.

- Preservation of all store items.

- Protection of partially complete pipe work at Oil Rigs.

fa fa-ship


- Prevention of corrosion of air space of fuel bunkers.

- Fuel Biocides.

- Protection of exposed on-board electronics & equipment.

fa fa-flask

Chemical & Petrochemical

- Restoration and protection of corroded equipment.

- Restoration and protection of storage facilities & tanks.

- Preservation of stored valves, gearboxes, electronic equipment, etc.

- Boiler treatment : Used in maintenance periods when corrosive air contaminants could be a problem.

- Protection of Hollow sections in plant construction.

- Stand-by emergency power generation plant.

fa fa-fighter-jet


- Full system PPPM (Preparation, Preservation, Packaging & Marking) of all Military systems.

- Engine & transmission protection for not in-use vehicles.

- Preservation and protection of sensitive electronic systems (Radar, tracking , etc.)

- Preservation and protection of all stored ammunition including missiles, bombs and torpedoes.

- Military aircraft protection (helicopters, etc.)

- Prevention of corrosion of air space of fuel bunkers.

fa fa-fighter-jet


- Preservation and protection of in-use and stored avionic systems.

- Biocide treatment for fuel storage facilities - fuel bunkers.

fa fa-car

Vehicle & Component Manufacturers

- Protection of bodywork panels, pressed body parts.

- Protection and preservation of stored components including gearboxes/transmissions, axles, engine blocks, radiators, cooling systems fuel transfer systems, etc.

fa fa-building-o


- Preventing corrosion of central heating systems.

- Preventing corrosion of air conditioning systems.

- Lagged chilled water line protection: Initial VCI treatment or restoration of already corroded/damaged systems. Protection of stand-by power plant